Adventures in KAndylaND
Miss Independence
by Christy
The ear-piecing scream echoes in my head as I sit at the table watching her eat. She has a sweet angel-face on right now, but I know, like a light switch, she can easily flip on the face of discontent …
Spreading Awareness
by Christy
One of the problems of having a rare disease is that awareness does not spread very quickly. It surprises and saddens me that we are coming up on 10 years into a new treatment for about 90% of patients with …
Potty Training the Second Child
by Christy
I was hoping that potty training on Katie would be easier and quicker since we’ve tried so long with Andy. But any parent with more than one child knows, every child is different. We tried a little with Katie last …
Meeting with the Experts
by Christy
Last week we had the advantage of traveling to Chicago to the second North American conference on Monogenic Diabetes. While there we had the privilege of meeting with Dr. Hattersley from the UK. He was very interested in our story …
I Can Do It Myself!
by Christy
As Katie has grown up we have had both moments of clarity where we are absolutely sure she is displaying behavior that is typical for her age and moments if confusion where we are just not sure what’s normal. This …
At Last – Potty Training Success!
by Christy
Last year at this time we were very discouraged and at a loss for what to do. You see, Andy was sort of potty trained at around 5 years old but had some regression once he started having his …
Long Time Gone
by Christy
Wow! I knew I had neglected this blog for a while but had no idea it had been nearly two years! I decided it was time to kick things into gear and start blogging again about our journey. So many …
Kicking the Bottle – Cold Turkey
by Christy
Before anybody starts to judge my parenting skills, I just want to say that I often “know” what I’m supposed to do, but quite often follow the children’s lead and stick with some things way longer than is good for …
by Christy
Well, today was the day! Andy got the Dexcom Granted, we are just doing a trial, but even in the few hours since we started, it’s really opened my eyes up to how crazy his blood sugars still are. …
New Tests, New Diagnoses, New Pills
by Christy
It’s been an absolutely crazy busy month which is why I haven’t posted anything in so long. Andy graduated from Kindergarten on Friday and the last day of school was Monday. We are trying to find a house to buy …
Day #7 of D-Blog Week: What we’ve learned
by Christy
What we’ve learned – Sunday 5/15: Last year, Wendy of Candy Heartsmade a suggestion for this year. She commented “I think Day 7 should be a post about stuff we’ve learned from other blogs or the experience of coming together …
Day #6 of D-Blog Week: Snapshots
by Christy
Saturday snapshots – Saturday 5/14:Today is the only day I’ve brought back a fun topic from last year. Inspired by the Diabetes 365 project, let’s snap a few more d-related pictures and share them again. Post as many or as …