Adventures in KAndylaND
American Diabetes Association Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test
by Christy
American Diabetes Association Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test. As the daughter and granddaughter of Type 2 diabetics and the mother of Neonatal Diabetics, I am well aware of the signs of diabetes. Unfortunately, I have also been the witness to the complications of Type 2 diabetes. . .
Crash Central
by Christy
Like I’ve said in earlier posts, we seemed to be returning to normal. Then we get too comfortable with that notion and diabetes likes to rear it’s ugly head once again. Katie had a huge spike higher than I thinkI’ve ever seen. . .
The Conundrum and the Experiment
by Christy
a cross-post from my other blog Having 2 children with a rare type of diabetes and a history of Type 2 diabetes in both mine and my husband’s family, you would think we would eat a very healthy diet. Wrong! …
babies with diabetes
baby on insulin pump
DEND syndrome
Developmental Delay
developmental delays
Developmentally Delayed
Gluten/Casein Free
Healthy Eating
Infant on Insulin Pump
Infant with Diabetes
monogenic diabetes
Neonatal Diabetes
Rare Disease
Special Needs Parenting