Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge – Day 1

The people over at Wego Health have issued a challenge.  Blog every day for the month of April on your condition.  It can be difficult for us to sometimes come up with a topic, especially when things are going smoothly (which thankfully happens more often than not with our kids).  So this will be a way for me to get motivated to blog every day.  It’s kind of like NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) but specifically for Health Activists.  Join in here if you would like.  You don’t even have to have a blog.  You can post a status on FaceBook or Twitter to participate.  It’s a great way to spread awareness about your health condition.

The prompt for today is to write an acrostic poem about your condition.  Here goes:






Type 1 Diabetics diagnosed


Less than one year

Discoveries lead to

Insulin freedom


Better blood sugar control


Treatment and


Sleep (most of the time)

OK, maybe not my best work so far, but the E’s and A’s really threw me off.  It was a fun way to come up with a new way to blog though.  Hope you enjoyed it!

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